Mount Democrat Hike 1-2
Mount Democrat Hike 1-2 14er
Mount Democrat Hike 1-2 trail head begins at Kite Lake Campground, elevation 12,139 feet, to reach kite lake drive Colorado 9 to Alma. In the middle of town and on the west side of the road, look for a small sign for the road to Kite Lake. Turn here and drive a bit through a residential area. Continue 6 miles to Kite Lake. The last mile of this road can be a bit more rough, but a good-clearance 2WD should still be able to make it when the road is dry. There are restrooms and some camping spots at the trailhead. You must pay a $3 fee to park/camp at Kite Lake. If you park below, walk up the road to Kite Lake its free.
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