Fly Fishing Apparel art by AD Maddox Upper Gros Venter Brook Trout Fishing Hoodies
Outdoor Apparel Camping Hiking Fishing Gear
AD Maddox Upper Gros Venter Brook Trout Fly Fishing Apparel Fishing Hoodie, is the best UV-protective hoodies to use a blend of poly fabric that is lightweight, very breathable, an won’t know you have it on, yet it blocks out with palm cuffs and an internal stow-away neck gaiter.
UGV-Brook Trout Fishing Hoodies

Our revolutionary design (Patented Loki technology) keeps a face mask ready for you at a moment’s notice. Simply reach behind your head, pull it over and cover your face, instant sun protection or warmth. Or keep it lower as a Neck Gaiter to keep harmful rays from your neck.
AD Maddox is a Tennessee born Fly Fishing Artist who’s roamed the west on her Ducati with Brush and Fly Rod in Hand.
AD Maddox’s fly fishing art brings a serene quality of nature to every piece of fly fishing apparel, creating the feeling of being on the river with every step.
Brook Trout “Salvelinus Fontinalis” is not a trout, it is the most trout like of all the charr’s.
Gros Ventre Wilderness lies East of Jackson Hole, part of the Yellowstone Eco-system. Uppper Gros Ventre River begins in this rugged wilderness area in Wyoming. Fine-Spotted Cutthroat Trout, Brook Trout and Whitefish are the main species in the river.
From the town of Kelly downstream to the Snake River is good access. Fishing upstream, drive up Gros Ventre River Road, located just north of Kelly to through National Forest, it ends at the Gooswing Ranger Station, to fish more of the river to its headwater you must hike and fish.
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