Colorado Drive By
Staging for a 10 Day Colorado Drive By Shooting
Hanging out in the backyard waiting for the group to appear for a hike and planning. An Outdoor Adventure to the far west corner of Colorado and back to Rocky Mountain National Park.
Hummingbirds start to appear as sun begins to cross the yard
Quickly change to a bigger lenses to capture their grace and beauty
Backing out making sure I am not a threat before going back in for more
To hover, I know we know how, just forgot how…
Watch the figure eight the wings make is so cool
Taking a rest and posing for a portrait
As a company, as individuals and a group, we are strong supporters of public land and can’t stress enough how everyone needs to get involved with a local conservation in your area and do all we can to save our “Wilderness Areas, Monuments, and other Public Lands”.
Don’t Let Our Government become very reckless with Nature and Our Public Lands! Support Your Local Conservation Organizations!
Colorado hiking trails offer a diverse topography and environment. In this environment we field test our hiking clothes, or great fishing shirts and lots of fly fishing gear. Fly Tying Recipes can be found on pages within.