Garden of the Gods, Photo Essay Three
Garden of the Gods Hiking is a Piece of Heaven on Earth
Garden of the Gods, Photo Essay Three
It would forever be known as the Garden of the Gods, where no building or structure would be erected except those necessary to properly care for, protect and maintain the area as a public park.
Here it is, over a hundred years later, and that rule remains intact. Here is where the world-class Visitor & Nature Center and Museum reigns as the most visited attraction in the region, offering new, interactive exhibits that amaze children and inspire awe in all adults who visit.
Journey travels on; Click Here!
As a company, as individuals and a group, we are strong supporters of public land and can’t stress enough how everyone needs to get involved with a local conservation in your area and do all we can to save our “Wilderness Areas, Monuments, and other Public Lands”.
Don’t Let Our Government become very reckless with Nature and Our Public Lands!
Support Your Local Conservation Organizations!
Hiking clothes designed with Garden of the Gods Hiking in mind for the comfort of your adventure on the trail or Garden of the Gods Camping.